Author Guidelines

Each submitted article first passes through evaluation according to journal intentions, editing (preparations), format, and general satisfaction. If satisfies those criteria, will be sent as blind (without information about authors) to anonyms referees. Authors take all responsibility for article contents and ethics. Journal can ask special statement from authors about originality of research as well as statement that article is not published or sent to any other publication. Author’s rights remain, but journal can freely dispose with article in sense of reprint or other types of publication distributions. All other questions stand in order with standard law presumptions in society.

The papers are published twice a year, in May and November.

Authors should, in the paper structure, focus their attention on introduction, previous research on the topic, research methodology, discussion and conclusion.

Papers can be submitted in the English language or in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the review and acceptance, authors must provide the English translation of the final version of the paper submitted in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This journal does not charge APCs or submission charges.

Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business only accepts electronic submission via web page.

Articles that do not satisfy preparation requirements will be immediately returned to corresponding author for corrections (without review).